Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The law of attraction is the law of the Universe.It is the law of creation. You create your life through your thoughts and law of attraction, and every single person does the same. It is not that now it is working since you are aware of it. It has always been working in your life and every person's life throughout history. When you are aware of this great law, then you become aware of how incredibly powerful you are, to be able to think your life into existence. When you focus on anything and you mix your attention with the feelings of having that thing in your life, you bring that thing into your life because whatever you think about, you bring about. Thoughts are magnetic and they have a frequency. When you tune into that frequency e.g. 92.3 FM, you hear that song. It is that simple. So create the frequency for the life you want to enjoy. As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they are magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. So think wisely and create your life of your choice. It is your life and you are responsible for everything in your life. So create the life you want and fulfill every wish of your life no matter what.